Monday, August 23, 2010

It's like some weird ass quiz where he reveals the answer first

I am still attached to menial distractions.


The act of being off track?
distract- 'drawn apart',

Is that even possible?

___ _ _ _____

Even if I realized my true self I will still have to wake up each morning and decide what I will do.
What if the two are one? What does that look like?

You are always your true self, but sometimes you think you aren't.
The paradox: sometimes your true self thinks it is not.

Why does the true self think it is not true?

Because the self identifies with something other then the self.

What does that mean?

For example, (using my name, Sean, as a signifier of my true self) Sean is Sean. However, if Sean were to say Sean is (blank), then describing Sean by anything other than Sean is not true. This is because Sean has no inherent qualities other than Sean-ness. When Sean was born Sean did not define the self, I merely was/is. Sean was not Sean because Sean could not define the self. Yet, now Sean is not when Sean defines Sean by any other name.

The crux of the mind is in trying to answer the question: "Who is Sean?" Rewording a Mitch Hedberg joke, "Someone asked me, 'Who is Sean' It's like some weird ass quiz where he reveals the answer first.'
It can be tricky because the mind creates the question, believes the question has an alternative answer, and then spends each day trying to create the answer. When in fact, Sean is matter what Sean does.
As too, the true self is the true self, which is always you who is called by your specific and authentic name.