The term dharma, is an Indian spiritual and religious term, that means one's righteous duty or any virtuous path in the common sense of the term.
Righteous - wise, way, manner
-Wise – “to see," hence "to know"
- Way - road, path, course of travel
- Manner - method of handling
Combined definition: To see or to know the method of handling your course of travel.
Duty - due, owed
- Due - to owe
- Owe - to have, own/possess
Virtuous (1) – chaste (for women), valiant, valorous,
- Chaste – pure from unlawful sexual intercourse
- Valiant - stalwart, brave
- - Stalwart - good, serviceable
- - Brace - splendid, valiant
- - Splendid - magnificent, brilliant
- -Magnificent - doing great deeds
- - Service - celebration of public worship/ perform work
- Valorous - courage in the face of danger/ be strong
- - Courage – heart
- - Heart - middle
Virtue (2) - moral life and conduct, moral excellence
- Moral - proper behavior of a person in society
Combined definition: Celebration of public worship by doing good deeds as proper behavior of a person in society.
Karma yoga (also known as Buddhi Yoga) or the "discipline of action" is based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Sanskrit scripture of Hinduism. One of the four pillars of yoga, Karma yoga focuses on the adherence to duty (dharma) while remaining detached from the reward. It states that one can experience salvation (Moksha) or love (bhakti) of God by performing their duties in an unselfish manner for the pleasure of the Supreme, which is the welfare of the world.